Clicker Training: Tooth Exam

Описание к видео Clicker Training: Tooth Exam

In an emergency, could you open your dog's mouth and look inside if you absolutely had to, or does your dog just barely tolerate it now? This is a demonstration of how to get cooperation with handling (for grooming, vet exams, and more), preparing for emergencies and reducing the risk of defensive aggression.


"What command are you using?"
At this stage of training, I don't use any verbal cues. Once the behavior looks the way I want (he allows me to open his mouth and look inside for at least 5 seconds), THEN I will add a cue. I hope to get video of this process as we continue to work together.

"How long were your training sessions?"
I limited these sessions to about 15 repetitions of each behavior, broken into 3-5 repetitions at a time, with various breaks in between.

"When can I stop using treats?"
When your dog is reliably performing the final behavior on cue at least 8/10 times in multiple scenarios. Then you can alternate between food, play, praise, and other things your dog finds highly rewarding.

However, for a behavior like this which will be used mainly at the vet's office which involves a fair amount of anxiety for many dogs, I prefer to continue to use a high value food reward in order to keep this exercise highly rewarding for the dog.

"Do I have to use a clicker?"
No. But for precision, you do need some form of marker to indicate when the dog gets it right. In the video, I use "Yes" and the clicker interchangeably. Some people prefer to only use a verbal marker and some prefer to only use a clicker.

"Will I always have to use a clicker to get my dog to do this?"
Clickers don't make dogs perform behaviors. They tell dogs when they performed correctly. So, no, you won't have to carry around a clicker. Once the dog has learned the behavior, the clicker is no longer necessary.

"Will this work on a Pit Bull/Rottweiler/Malinois/Tibetan Mastiff/Cane Corso, etc.?"
Yes. This also works on Polar Bears, Orcas, Beluga Wales, Tigers, and other animals which make clicker training a domestic dog of any breed a piece of cake by comparison.

"Where can I learn more about clicker training?"

Check out the website for hundreds of articles, books, dvds and video downloads.


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