Rhino: Редактирование кривых

Описание к видео Rhino: Редактирование кривых

http://www.vlad3dm.com/ - Please take a look at my portfolio.
Материал с сайта http://bobr.biz/?p=1326
Rhinoceros 4: о редактировании кривых с помощью команд Extend, Fillet, Chamfer, Fillet Corners, Blend, Adjustable curve blend, Offset, Offset Normal to Surface, Offset curve on surface, Curve From 2 Views, Cross-Section Profiles, Rebuild, Match, Adjust Closed Curve Seam, Simplify Lines and Arcs, Convert Curve to Polyline/Convert Curve, Adjust Curve End Bulge, Insert/Remove a control point, Close open curves, Delete Sub-curve, Extract Sub-curve, Sub Curve, Insert Line into Curve, Curve Boolean.


Информация по комментариям в разработке