Conquest - Sorcerer King's Djinns & Rakhshasa : Tactica + Starter Unboxing

Описание к видео Conquest - Sorcerer King's Djinns & Rakhshasa : Tactica + Starter Unboxing

Welcome to Love & Wargames, the channel dedicated to spreading the love (of wargames) around the world!

The Sorcerer Kings finally get the reinforcements they deserve, as the aerial Djinns and the monstruous Rakshasas bring more options to the latest army of Conquest! Whether you are looking for gigantic archers (basically artillery at this point), fast double-handed axe-wielders, the best duellist of the entire game, or a monster-to-fight-monster, you’ll find it here!

As per usual,we will start with an unboxing before going into a tactica, and you can use the timestamps to skip to the parts that you are interested in.

Do note that we have a 10% discount code: LOVE10
With this not only do you get the best prices for Conquest, but you also significantly support our channel in the process, showing us there is a large demand for Conquest content, and motivating us to bring ever more Conquest Battle Reports and Tacticas on the channel! Plus, my wife, my cat and I will send a thousand thanks your way!

00:00 Introduction + Opening the box + Extra stuff (cards, bases)
02:31 Djinn Sprues
05:09 Rakshasa Sprues
12:39 Start of the Tactica
13:07 Steelheart Djinns tactics
18:32 Windborne Djinns tactics
21:30 Rakshasa Bakasura tactics
28:09 Rakshasa Ravanar tactics
32:58 Conclusion & What's to come for Conquest on the channel

If you have any question, ask us in the comments and we'll be happy to help you get started in this amazing game!

As always, if you have any comment about the video or how to improve, let us know in the comments!

To learn more about the game, its backstory, and get a look at the free rules, go here :

It will be extremely helpful to give us a like, and to subscribe so you can keep up to date with our latest videos.

And I usually don't insist on this, but if you'd like to really, massively support the channel and want to tell me you'd like more Conquest Battle Reports, even buying just one box with the Love10 discount would be an INCREDIBLE help! You buy your miniatures cheap, and my wife will see that making videos is not purely wasted time :-D

In the meantime, keep spreading the love. Bisous.


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