The Blood of Ultramar Calls

Описание к видео The Blood of Ultramar Calls

The Primarch of the XIIIth Legion of the Adeptus Astartes, the Space marines, by the name of the Ultramarines. Roboute Guilliman awakens to find himself sitting on a throne in his own tomb. Guilliman met his seemingly final fate during the Battle of Thessala in 121.M31, when he was laid low by the Traitor Daemon Primarch Fulgrim of the Emperor's Children, who had become a Daemon Prince of Slaanesh. During this encounter with his former brother, Fulgrim managed to fatally injure Guilliman in the neck with his poisonous blade.
Fatally poisoned by his one-time brother.

Roboute wasthen transported back to Macragge his homeworld and the chapter world of the Ultramarines space marines, in a stasis field, and has remained entombed in the field for 10,000 years, frozen in time.

The Shrine of Guilliman built to contain his body was one of the most holy places in the entire Imperium, and one which welcomed millions of pilgrims every year. It lay within the Temple of Correction, a vaulted sepulcher forming a small part of the Ultramarines' vast northern polar fortress on Macragge.

The Archmagos Dominus Belisarius Cawl, along with his warband The Celestinians, had brought to Macgragge the Armour of Fate, that could sustain the primarch's life functions, and the Emperor's Sword, a weapon in which was embedded a small portion of the Emperor's own psychic essence. To resurrect Guilliman and arm him with his fathers own power sword.

While Cawl began his work on the time-frozen body of Guilliman, seated upon his throne in the temple, the Black Legion took notice of the activity and launched a massive assault upon the Temple of Corrections, fearful of what the Loyalists were attempting.
The Celestinians, aided by the Ultramarines' officers and the 3rd Brotherhood of the Grey Knights led by their GrandMaster who had come to Macragge to aid the defense, faced off against over a hundred Black Legionaries.
Yet, even as the Loyalists fought to give Cawl just one more solar second to complete his work, more Chaos forces poured into the shrine from above using Dreadclaw assault boats, and the defenders quickly found themselves overwhelmed.
Cawl’s Xenos companions also made prayers to their god of death. The alien god's power over life and death combined with Cawl's arcane technology to heal the primarch's wound and awaken him from his ten-thousand-year slumber.
An awakened and enraged primarch proved to be something more than the Chaos attackers were ever prepared to deal with. Guilliman would make them rue the day they decided to siege his homeworld and he will shatter the attacking forces of Chaos whilst providing an extraordinary surge in morale for his Ultramarines and the other Loyalist forces.

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Ten millennia entombed in silence
Frozen in a moment
A wound unhealed
Poisoned by the venom of a brother’s blade
In stasis
My spirit sealed

Macragge’s halls echo with the weight of despair
A shrine to a fallen Demi-God
But the stars aligned in the darkest hour
For the resurrection of their Lord

the blood of Ultramar calls
I rise to reclaim what was lost
In the tomb
I sat in timeless void
Now I break free from frost

Armored in fate
I stand renewed
The Emperor’s Blade in hand
Chaos will tremble as I march
Through the ashes of this land
Iron Halo blazing bright
Hand of Dominion clenched in might
The Black Legion will fall tonight
For Macragge
For the Emperor
I fight

Cawl’s arcane hands
The Xenos’ deathly prayers
Revived my heart
My breath
The Shrine of Guilliman under siege
Yet I stand
defying death
The blackened sky rains dreadclaw fire
Legions of the damned descend
But they’ll find no victory here
Their assault meets a bitter end

Blade of the Emperor ignites in wrath
Flames of Terra
Fury unleashed
Through shattered Chaos
I carve a path

Their souls forever diseased
Brothers rise
The time is now

Our Primarch leads us once more
With every strike
Let them know
We are the storm
The endless war

I am Roboute Guilliman
son of the Emperor
Born to rule
To lead
To kill

This is the day of reckoning
Chaos will feel my iron will

Armored in fate
I stand renewed
The Emperor’s blade in hand
Chaos will tremble as I march
Through the ashes of this land
Iron Halo blazing bright
Hand of Dominion clenched in might
The Black Legion will fall tonight
For Macragge
For the Emperor
I fight

Ten thousand years
I slept in stone
Now I rise
No longer alone
The galaxy will remember my name
Roboute Guilliman
Reborn in flame

Song lyrics written by Bryan Akers, song lyrics based on Concepts and Stories created and owned by Games Workshop, song made using Suno


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