Trees in The Last Homely GARDEN! #17

Описание к видео Trees in The Last Homely GARDEN! #17

About 18 months ago I bought a whole load of baby trees from Cheviot Trees. They were about 18 inches tall and I planted them, with help, all around the Woodland and Garden here at The Last Homely House. There were Alder, Silver Birch, Downy Birch, Dogwood, Hazel, Honeysuckle, Aspen, Blackthorn, Sessile Oak, Guelder Rose, Rowan and Bird Cherry. Around 200 trees in all. My son John helped me choose them and together we decided on the best location for each one. I've mentioned before just how wet the land is in front of my house, I am below the level of the artificial dam I live beside and the ground can be waterlogged for much of the year. There are some tree species that thrive in such conditions, such as Alder, so we planted the trees mindful of the type of ground I have available.

I've noticed that some of them are growing out of the tops of the Tree Guards protecting them from deer and rabbit nibblings. But some are not growing at all, so come with me while I look around the garden to check on their progress.

Later in the year when the growth in the Front Woods has died down enough, I will go to the perimeter of the and check on the trees we planted there. But I am pleasantly surprised to find most of them are doing very well indeed!

Thanks for watching my little wander round the trees, the garden is looking a bit rough round the edges at present as I no longer have regular help in the garden, a situation I hope to resolve soon!

I love my overgrown patch of woodland!

Check back for another update soon! I don't post to a regular schedule here on the Garden Channel, so be sure to put on your Notifications when you subscribe!

Take care and I'll see you back here soon!



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