FanXin 3x3x4 Review and Walkthrough Solve

Описание к видео FanXin 3x3x4 Review and Walkthrough Solve

I'm back, and with new lighting! Hope this helps you guys on the visibility front. I also shot this in 4K, although I won't do this every time because it eats up all the space on my camera!

In this video I talk a bit about the FanXin 3x3x4, which is a very cheap and surprisingly good puzzle. I love solving the 3x3x4, so I thought I'd do a little example solve as well. To help any cuboid newbies out there I start with the 3x3x2, which is the foundation of the 3x3x2 solve.

Bottom corner placement: R2 U R2 U' R2
Top layer corners (do once to get headlights, then a second time with headlights on left): R2 U R2 U' R2 U' D R2 U' R U R
Swap front and back edges: R2 U2 R2 U2 R2
Swap front and right edges: R2 U R2 U R2 U2 R2 U2 R2 U R2 U' R2
Parity (with swapped edges on F): u2 R2 F2 u2 U2 F2 R2 u2

PLL algorithms:


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