House Manderly & The Stark Restoration in ASOIAF

Описание к видео House Manderly & The Stark Restoration in ASOIAF

Winterfell has been in the hands of Roose and Ramsay Bolton ever since they betrayed Robb Stark at the Red Wedding. However, the loyal lords of the North may be secretly plotting to restore Winterfell to House Stark - perhaps for Jon Snow, Rickon Stark, or even Sansa Stark.
House Manderly is the biggest player in the North's Game of Thrones. Wyman Manderly is feigning support of the Boltons and Freys, and enlists Davos Seaworth to find Rickon. Will they succeed in The Winds of Winter? Will the Grand Northern Conspiracy come to fruition?

Intro music:
"Above the Vast Clouds of the Aquamarine Peak" -

Art in thumbnail:
Roose Bolton by Bella Bergolts
Ramsay Bolton by GibiLynx
Wyman Manderly by Borja Pindado
Jon Snow by Pradeep Sethi
Robb Stark by Kayla Woodside
Manderly knight by Antonio J. Manzanedo
Stannis Baratheon by Donato Giancola
Jon & Ghost by Arantza Sestayo

Map of Westeros by Tibstabs:

Grand Northern Conspiracy faction ideas:

Alt Shift X's video:    • “The north remembers”: is there a Gra...  

0:00 Intro
1:58 Origins of House Manderly
3:15 Manderly vs Peake
4:26 Exile of House Manderly
8:17 Wyman Manderly
9:43 Plotting in the Merman's Court
14:56 Frey Pie
17:48 Snowmen in Winterfell
19:34 Grand Northern Conspiracy(ies?)
24:50 Last Words

#asoiaf #gameofthrones #asongoficeandfire


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