Samurai Warriors 4-II - Kotaro Fuma Rare Weapon Guide

Описание к видео Samurai Warriors 4-II - Kotaro Fuma Rare Weapon Guide

Stage: Battle of Oshi Castle

Objective: Gain 1200 KOs, then complete all missions successfully.

Rare Weapon Mission: Defeat Sakon Shima (You should get the weapon automatically after completing this mission.)

Guide: You should gain 1200 kills naturally, since Kotaro is a Hyper type and one of the fastest characters in the game you can just spam your Hyper attack across the entire map and rack up kills as you go. You may possibly need Kai as your second character, I tried once without her and didn't get the weapon. You might also have to be playing in story mode. As for completing missions, we've got to do everything. So start by...

1. Defeat Tadaoki Hosokawa, Yoshiaki Kato and Yasuharu Wakisaka, before the peasants are defeated. They will then begin marching.
2. Defeat Terumasa Ikeda and Nagamasa Asano before Yukie Sakamaki and Izuminokami Shibazaki are defeated. The peasants should be stuck fighting enemies now.
3. Defeat all officers, Standard Bearers, and anything else in the way of the peasants as you escort them to their destination.
4. Defeat Yoshitsugu Otani before he reaches his destination.
5. Defeat Kanetsugu Naoe and Yoshinobu Sataka before they reach their destination. Ignore Kagekatsu Uesugi.
6. Go north and defeat Yukimura Sanada with Kotaro Fuma before he reaches his destination.
7. Go northwest and defeat Kunoichi.
8. Go after Nobuyuki Sanada in the center. Defeat him before Ina reaches him. Defeating Ina first also works.
9. Defeat Kagekatsu Uesugi.
10. Jump over the ninja path and defeat Sakon Shima.

Defeating Sakon Shima should have gotten you the weapon.

Additional Rules:

1. You must be playing on Hard or higher.
2. You must use the character you want the weapon for, NOT a created character using their weapon. Created character only weapons are an exception.
3. Ensure every mission triggers. If a mission does not trigger but you still complete the objective, you will not get the weapon.
4. Missions do not have to be completed by the character whose weapon you want, unless otherwise stated. Objectives such as gaining kills do.
5. You can get ultimate weapons in Survival Mode if you're lucky and defeat a Weapons Carrier who appear entirely at random.

I'm not getting anymore weapons in this game. They're really annoying with how stingy they are being tied to missions. Some of them are even linked to you keeping your health above a certain level, which is just annoying. So many specific triggers could ruin your chances of getting a weapon all because the right mission didn't appear or you didn't play as the right secondary character to trigger the right VERSION of a mission, ugh, it's just super annoying. Unless you're looking to platinum this game, don't bother.


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