Unbreakable Spirit

Описание к видео Unbreakable Spirit


I hear your struggle, feel your pain
Each step a battle, not in vain
The day we fought for's finally here
Let's make it count, let's persevere

Ordinary turned extraordinary
When we decided to be revolutionary
That first step higher than we've ever known
Together we've grown, together we've flown

We've wrestled, we've clawed, we've made it through
Today's the day our dreams come true
So let's keep pushing, side by side
On this road where our hopes reside

In dark rooms once, we hid our fears
But time has passed, dried all our tears
The future we once only dreamed
Is ours to grasp, or so it seems

Don't let the past dictate your way
You're stronger now with each new day
The headwinds fierce? We'll face them still
Our spirits strong, unbreakable will

We've wrestled, we've clawed, we've made it through
Today's the day our dreams come true
So let's keep pushing, side by side
On this road where our hopes reside

Talent's not just given, it's earned through strife
Real smiles come from living a passionate life
No more "maybe tomorrow", the time is now
We'll make it happen, someway, somehow

We've wrestled, we've clawed, we've made it through
Today's the day our dreams come true
So let's keep running, arms wide open
Our true selves finally awoken
This journey's ours, let's see it through
The future's bright, it starts with you

Every struggle, every fight
Brings us closer to our light
Hand in hand, we'll find our way
To a brighter, bolder day


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