Hoplomachus Victorum REVIEW - A Worthy Solo Experience? - Solo Board Game Review - SBGK

Описание к видео Hoplomachus Victorum REVIEW - A Worthy Solo Experience? - Solo Board Game Review - SBGK

Chip Theory Games has released some of my favorite board game experiences. Too Many Bones and Burncycle shined and are worthy to be part of my collection. Will Hoplomachus Victorum manage to keep the winning streak for Chip Theory Games alive or should it be tossed to the lions? Find out in my review of Hoplomachus Victorum!

This review was originally over an hour long. It didn’t make for a fun watch, in my opinion. The videos I make are videos that I want to watch myself. The review retains all of the information needed to make an informed purchasing decision, it was just edited to make it a more enjoyable video for your viewing pleasure. I hope you enjoy the work and effort that went into making this review!

Thank you for taking the time to watch this review! My collection is growing but my journey to search for the best solo board games out there continues! See you soon!


Solo Board Gaming Knight


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