mBot Solving a Maze

Описание к видео mBot Solving a Maze

This video is of an mBot by Makeblock using a wall following algorithm to solve a maze. The mBot is a STEM-focused robot and is the stock, out-of-the-box version (mine are WiFi, but Bluetooth models are also available). The posts and pegs are 3D printed (http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1169585) and the rest of the construction is 4mm foam core board and black masking tape. All of the code is written in the mBlock (Scratch 2.0) environment using the Scratch language and mBot extensions.

This project is the capstone for a one week camp for middle school children in the Seattle, WA area.

I've published an eBook that contains a collection of projects for the beginner at https://leanpub.com/agitr_v1. The book starts with turning the LEDs on and off and progresses through to the maze solving program above. The price is less than $20 USD and all of the proceeds to to funding kids robotics teams.

The code is available at https://github.com/senestone/A_Gentle..., but please consider buying a copy of the eBook and supporting the kids.


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