Full Viral Tiktok CREATIVITY PROGRAM Course 2024 (Best Niches)

Описание к видео Full Viral Tiktok CREATIVITY PROGRAM Course 2024 (Best Niches)

Hello and welcome to "Full Viral Tiktok CREATIVITY PROGRAM Course 2024 (Best Niches)" ! Your go-to resource for understanding Tiktok and creativity program and keeping competitive in the constantly changing content market is this in-depth course.

US Accounts (CODE : R2)

Submagic (CODE : R2MONEY)

------------Wisdom Resources------------

Submagic (CODE : R2MONEY)

Text to Speech AI, I use:

Chat GPT Prompt:
write a 150 word long story of a man with a twist at the end showing a life lesson

------------AI Image Story Resources------------

Submagic (CODE : R2MONEY)

Chat GPT Prompt:
create a interresting story in this format. line by line with one line summarising one chapter

1.boy getting coal for christmas

2.he gets angry

3.he gets very angry at santa

4.he buys tickets to north pole

5.he is on plane to north pole

6.few hours later plane arrives

7.he goes to santas grotto

8.he sneaks into santas workshop

9.he gets jealous of all the presents

10.he calls a air strike

11.the plane flies over santas grotto

12.santa is scared

13.santas grotto is destroyed

14.boy is satisfied

do this for another topic in simple and easy to understand english
make sure each line doesnt contain more then 8 words

------------What Would Happen Resources------------

Submagic (CODE : R2MONEY)

Text to Speech AI, I use:

Chat GPT Prompt:
write a 'what would happen if' transcript in one paragrapth

for example ;what would happen if oxygen disapeared . if the oxygen disapeared, in first minute the buildings will collapse, after few hours all humanity would be wiped out. etc
write me more like these about other topics
make sure the transcript is 200 words minimum

------------New Motivation Resources------------

Promt for ChatGPT :
Give me 10 voiceovers following this format.
this motivational tiktok voiceover divided into two parts. The first part should strongly discourage and challenge the viewer's habit of passively consuming content, emphasizing the value of time and the futility of endless watching. The second part should offer empowering advice, urging action, setting goals, and emphasizing the importance of taking steps towards personal success. Keep it concise and impactful, underlining the shift from watching to doing. make sure first part is one sentence long and second part can be 2 sentence.

ChatGPT :

ElevenLabs AI :

------------Relaxing Videos Resources------------

Living room image prompt :
Expansive living rooms with those signature floor-to-ceiling windows have become a hallmark of modern architecture. Picture a luxurious log cabin amidst a serene, snow-covered landscape. Inside, the living area boasts a sleek, contemporary design with plush sofas and chairs in neutral hues arranged around a low, central coffee table. The color scheme revolves around chic, darker tones and warm accents, complemented by soft, ambient lighting emanating from various stylish lamps, creating an inviting and cozy atmosphere.

Background image prompt :
In a serene winter night within a mountainous terrain, the landscape transforms into a scene of enchantment. Thatched-roof houses are absent, but the snow blankets the surroundings. The sky itself seems to dance with an otherworldly display, a canvas of magic with colors that shimmer and swirl in ethereal patterns. The cold, blue tones of the snow-covered land are juxtaposed against this celestial spectacle, while the darkness of the night sky serves as a backdrop, accentuating the mystical aura. Amidst this breathtaking display, hints of human presence are subtly marked by well-trodden paths in the snow, suggesting a silent but captivating interaction between nature's enchantment and human footprints in this secluded, magical expanse.

ChatGPT :

Photopea :

------------New Relaxing Videos Resources------------

Promt for ChatGPT :
Imagine 5 extraordinary landscapes that captivate the senses with their magical allure and serene beauty, transporting you to a realm where the impossible becomes a breathtaking reality. Each scene is a visual symphony of enchantment, designed to evoke tranquility and wonder. Picture yourself immersed in these surreal and fantastical settings, where relaxation intertwines seamlessly with the fantastical elements that paint the canvas of your imagination.

ChatGPT :

Runway AI :

MidJourney AI :

------------ AI Voice Resources------------

ElevenLabs AI:

Song: Ascension
Music by: CreatorMix.com


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