This black-and-white U.S. Air Force film from the 1950s (title unknown) explains vital facts about fallout and radioactivity, with the hope that military personnel can keep fighting the enemy in the wake of a nuclear war. The film relies on animated and live action sequences to show the aftermath of a nuclear Armageddon, and explains how personnel exposure to radiation can be minimized despite an atomic bomb detonation. Echo Air Force Base is used as an example, with crews servicing B-47 Stratojets. While some personnel engage in normal activities, others work to decontaminate the base and take other steps in accordance with a carefully orchestrated plan.

Film opens, animated intro section showing enemy aircraft, submarines carrying atomic weapons, various illustrated mushroom cloud formations, residual impact caused by radiation (0:06). Map United States denoting locations of Air Force bases (1:36). Dramatic music blares while animated mushroom cloud is examined and dangers of radiation explained (2:24). Three of the most dangerous radioactivity resulting from nuclear detonation: Alpha particles, beta particles, gamma rays; Abilities of these particles to penetrate skin, clothing and cause severe injury (4:26). Animation of Air Force officers carrying out duties at base during timed shifts to limit exposure (6:03). Live action procedure of how air force base can respond to nuclear fallout: ECHO Air Force base, Boeing B-47 stratojet takes off from tarmac, two interceptor aircraft take off (6:38). Major Russell Whitaker gives presentation to other commanders about disaster control in case of nuclear fallout (7:18). Unit disaster control officers inspect base, pick out good fallout shelter (8:52). Supplies delivered: Officer unloads food, water, first aid kits from back of truck (10:39). Earth moving equipment tested, turn over and bury soil with radioactive waste (11:08). Heavy equipment i.e. Kaiser M35A2 water truck etc. used to clear debris from runways (11:26). Chevrolet 3100 pickup truck with radio equipment (11:36). Base weather station; Calculating where fallout will fall according to wind patterns (11:51). Officer checks radiological monitoring instrument, 24h check on gamma rays in area (13:12). Interior of command post room (13:54). Area map denoting “vital areas” of base (14:28). Logistical issues and training: Training decontamination team, firefighters (shot of 1960s Oshkosh P-2 firetruck), where to drain radioactive waste, radiological recovery teams (14:34). Close-up team member holding Geiger counter, wearing personal dosimeter (15:33). Base receives warning of nuclear attack - Non-essential people (women, children) on base evacuating; Commander and staff move into position (16:00). Off-duty officers/ ground support crew begin arriving at base, 1950s Buick pulls up to checkpoint (17:26). Radiation monitoring teams in supply closet; Augmentation crews receive riffles from air police quarters (17:37). Flurry of people hurrying around base to their designated shelters (18:32). Interceptor planes (Convair F-106 Delta Dart) readied on tarmac for mission (19:13). New York City skyline, smoke from explosions fills screen, simulation of attacks (19:50). Response team at ECHO base chart winds on map to see if fallout from New York City attack will reach the base (20:16). Bomber launch chart (20:37). Convair F-106 Delta Dart lands, crew hurries to get pilot into shelter while overs remain in fallout (21:42). Other crew work on readying Boeing B-47 Stratojet; Maintenance checks on black boxes and other electrical equipment before take off (22:16). Radio dispatch truck arrives, provides some cover from fallout for crew (23:09). Crew in what appears to be 1951 Chevrolet 3100 Deluxe Pickup conduct radiological survey from vehicle (23:28). Unit disaster control officer in command center tracking crew exposure times (23:43). Radar station; Interior of radar station work continuing throughout fallout, man reads radar monitor (24:35). At command center, weather information continually plotted on area map and graph to track fallout cloud and radiation intensity (25:20). Sikorsky H-5 helicopter takes preliminary radiation intensity readings of base, other ground crews also take readings (26:38). People inside fallout shelter (27:37). Examining crew members at personnel decontamination center; Personnel take thorough shower and change into clean clothes (28:00). Closing credits (29:49). Film ends (29:59).

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