Float Bop 2020 is out now!
Thanks everyone for watching!
Follow us on Instagram for more shenanigans:
/ floridafloatbrothers
Always wear your brain bucket and stay safe out there!
It’s the float, floatiest time of the year, with 3rd parties selling and Facebook groups telling you put on your gear. It’s the float, floatiest time of the year
Floating through the snow, on a onewheel with some Fangs, everywhere we go, (nose) smashing all the way
Have yourself, a float life little Christmas
I’m dreaming of a FlightFin Christmas
On the first day floating, I really hurt my knee. I nosedove just like a dummy
Curbs, they told me, just nudge nudge nudge nudge
CraftandRide is here, Accessories for years
You can bonk on, just an inch, wood, or rocks, or steel
Bought a Pint, Felt so light, Pushback’s dumb, but carving’s right
Both my palms feel real tender, I tried to see how fast it goes, leaned too far o’r the fender, and suddenly it dove my nose
Last Christmas, I bought an XR, the very same week, I fractured my knee, this year, to save me from tears, I'll get myself some knee pads
XR or Pint, the question of the cennnnnntry, it isn’t right, to have to pick just one
Let us float, let us float, let us float
Feliz flotando
Feliz flotando
Feliz flotando
Usa tu casco se prudente
Feliz flotando
Feliz flotando
Feliz flotando
Nosotros somos malos en espanol
Slick or Treaded for your onewheel tire, Street or Trails is how it goes
Vega Wheel Vega Wheel Vega Wheels Stock, Vega Wheels Fine, but other wheels rock!
Guard your dome this Christmas
Have a Gnarly Carvy Christmas, buy a onewheel for your dear, Say "Helo" to fun and stoke, have a cup of cheer
Wear your helmet, kneepads, wrist guards, and all protective gear, just remember that the board can shut off random--ly dear
I'm beginning to get a lot more distance, VNR EGO, Say "Hello" to a lot more range, its a changes of the game, Vamp and Ride, helps you go
Legs are shaky, the foot fatigue has gotten to me, my feet
Costly, but worth it, is the Onewheel and it goes, just to show how fun, we have in the sun, watch the Florida Float Bros
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