Ruby Wax Meets Madonna (1994 Interview)

Описание к видео Ruby Wax Meets Madonna (1994 Interview)

Ruby Wax Interviews Madonna in order to promote her (then upcoming) album "Bedtime Stories"

Ruby Wax Later branded her 1994 interview with Madonna for BBC show Ruby Wax Meets Madonna as her “most miserable showbiz experience”.

“I thought we were going to bond but she hated me on sight.”

“We were setting up the cameras and she was saying, ‘No, no, no, I don’t want that camera, I want that camera.’ I got nervous and I was asking dumb questions and then she got up and left.”

Ruby, who also famously put the singer’s underwear on her head during the interview, explains why she did it. “I needed to end the show with some comedy,” she explained

“She left her handbag so I rifled through it and found some of her underpants and put them on my head and started doing some comedy. Madonna looked into the room and saw it. She has never called me since.

“As for her pants, they were like a piece of dental floss with some cotton and some frills.”


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