General Conference Annual Council 2024 SDA Ganoune Diop all humans are temples of God

Описание к видео General Conference Annual Council 2024 SDA Ganoune Diop all humans are temples of God

Ecumenism is confirmed here and not only that, but also cooperation with the state and global organizations such as the UN.
Ganoune Diop says here again that all people are the temple of God. This is a distortion of the biblical message and pure blasphemy.
Ganoune Diop is saying the same thing as Pope Francis, that everyone will be saved. Ganoune Diop is mocking Jesus Christ here (in the livestream from 00:58:32).
He also mentions the Trinity here again.

Audrey Andersson:(General Vice-President of General Conference)
I now want to introduce the next constituency meeting which is IRLA the International Religious Liberty Association. This is an association that has been in existence for 131 years you are the constituency and we have an annual constituency meeting every year. Karnik Doukmetzian will chair this meeting and Dr Duke mitan and Dr Diop Dr Ganoune

Karnik Doukmetzian:(General Counsel for the world church of Seventh-day Adventists, Vice President of the IRLA)
Thank you madam chair this is the afternoon for constituency meetings. This is the third in a series we'll have a couple of more yet. I'd like to invite the Secretary General of the International Religious Liberty Association to present his report to the annual meeting.

Ganoune Diop:(Secretary General of the IRLA)
thank you so much Karnik.

Karnik Doukmetzian:
By the way those of you that don't know this is Dr. Diop.

Ganoune Diop:
I forgive you. Okay I just wanted to start saying you have before you a very grateful person because in May I was not sure that I will be here alive with you. But the Lord saw to it that it's not my time to go. Karnik needs a little more sanctification so. Okay thank you so much Karnik. Well this report is going to be very brief I would like to share with you actually the birth of a new Association this is called the all Africa Religious Liberty Association. We were together I was discharged from the hospital on July 15 and the Lord made it that I had enough strength to travel to Arusha Tanzania so we had a congress the fourth Congress for all Africa of religious liberty. Now this Association is officially registered and we had really a wonderful Congress and I would like to just instead of me telling you what has happened there I have asked a son "a son of the soil" as we say in in Africa who will come and tell us just briefly about how you experience the all Africa Religious Liberty Congress in Arusha Tanzania.

Son of the soil:
Thank you the meeting were very well attended received and appreciated by both Adventist and non-adventist delegates who came from across the continent in Africa. There was a careful choice of presenters, professionals on the subject this included leaders, pastors, academicians, lawyers, professionals from different faith backgrounds and can you imagine coming to present and discuss like we were reading from the same page on matters of Liberty of conscious. It was an end reaching experience I for one had to learn how do you talk as an Adventist Pastor when we you engage with those of other faiths on a subject that you have something in common. It was a growth experience and being from the continent of Africa to date and into the future I will celebrate the organization of the Association of Religious Liberty on the continent of Africa thank you for the privilege.

Ganoune Diop:
Thank you so very much you know just maybe to provide you with a context this was a significant meeting in 1893 IRLA was actually charted 1893 and then in 1946 our sister organization AIDLR was charted in EUD Pastor Mario Brito is somewhere thank you so much. So IRLA and this time 2024 the all Africa Religious Liberty Association was created and registered officially in Tanzania and then I must say that all three divisions from the continent of Africa teamed and actually created this Association. I must tell you we have have supported them and I think Elder Rugui is here with his team somewhere I've seen him. So we were very well received there and we even Karnik had an opportunity to visit and meet with the judges of the African court so that was also impressive. Now why do we do this you know this is not is to have a meeting on religious liberty. The continent of Africa has right now 49% of Christians and 41% of Muslims now some people talk about crashes of civilization because the continent is rocked by multiple conflicts and so forth that is true. So the question becomes how we Adventists can create a movement in Africa a movement for peace and religious freedom is actually a key component to create an atmosphere of freedom. Actually in my presentation I made I had two thesis: One religious liberty is much more than we think. Religious liberty yes that's true there is a confusion in terms of its definition like in in America the religious liberty the Religious Freedom Act adopted in 1998 you have 173 mention of religious liberty but not once do they define what it really is.
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