How to make Black Russian cocktail and White Russian cocktail easy way, easy cocktail at home

Описание к видео How to make Black Russian cocktail and White Russian cocktail easy way, easy cocktail at home

Black Russian cocktail
Kahlua 30 ml
Vodka 50ml

Pour the ingredients into the old fashioned glass filled with ice cubes. Stir gently.

The Black Russian cocktail first appeared in 1949 and is ascribed to Gustave Tops, a Belgian barman, who created it at the Hotel Metropole in Brussels in honor of Perle Mesta, then United States Ambassador to Luxembourg. The cocktail owes its name to the use of vodka, a typical Russian spirit, and the blackness of the coffee liqueur.

White Russian
Kahlua 30ml
Vodka 50ml
Cream 30ml

Pour coffee liqueur and vodka into an old fashioned glass filled with ice. Float fresh cream on top and stir slowly.


The traditional cocktail known as a black Russian, which first appeared in 1949, becomes a white Russian with the addition of cream. Neither drink has any known Russian origin, but both are so-named due to vodka being the primary ingredient. It is unclear which drink preceded the other.
The Oxford English Dictionary refers to the first mention of white Russian in the sense of a cocktail as appearing in California's Oakland Tribune on November 21, 1965. It was placed in the newspaper as an insert: "White Russian. 1 oz. each Southern, vodka, cream", with "Southern" referring to Coffee Southern, a short-lived brand of coffee liqueur by Southern Comfort.
The white Russian saw a surge in popularity after the 1998 release of the film The Big Lebowski. Throughout the movie, it appears as the beverage of choice for the protagonist, Jeffrey "The Dude" Lebowski. On a number of occasions he refers to the drink as a "Caucasian". #srilanka #mixologist #cocktail #barreels #bartender #sinhalanews #sinhala #colombo #cocktailtime #sinhalagossip #sinhalanews #සිංහලෙන් #සිංහල


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