The Cranhill Cabin

Описание к видео The Cranhill Cabin

A small group of local residents took part in video workshops led by Glasgow Community Food Network exploring access to food in Cranhill and Ruchazie and made this short film about the Cabin in November 2020. We asked the question:

How can people in Cranhill access healthy affordable food when there are no local supermarkets and limited public transport?

Cranhill Development Trust runs a community shop called The Cabin that sources local produce and aims to reduce waste by offering refills, meal bags, freshly baked bread, loose fruit and veg, and dried goods at an affordable price.

The Cabin
109 Bellrock Street, Cranhill, Glasgow G33 3HE
Usual Opening hours:
Monday-Friday, 10am-4pm

Cranhill Development Trust is an integral part of its community, responding successfully to the complex needs of Cranhill since 2002. A key to the success of the Trust has been its ability to adapt services and activities to meet the changing and diverse needs of people living there. Our core activity is to provide person-centred, responsive support services which are inclusive and are not age or gender specific. We focus on a community development and regeneration approach that builds and increases capacity within the community. We do this by providing support which encourages and nurtures empowerment. In the same way, we promote resilience through active participation in the planning, design, development, delivery and evaluation of services. For more info visit:

This film is part of an action research project led by Glasgow Community Food Network exploring community responses to food insecurity across the city. The Network was established in 2017 to bring together practitioners and organisations in the private, public and third sectors along with other interested individuals to develop a flourishing food system in Glasgow. We aim to work with everyone with an interest in food: chefs and restaurants, farmers and market gardeners, foodbank and soup kitchen volunteers and anyone else who cares about better food for Glasgow. We want to see a city where high quality, fresh, local, organic produce is available and affordable for all and where good food is a celebrated part of our culture. For more info visit:

Special thanks to all the community members who helped to make this film, Maureen Moffat and all the staff at Cranhill Development Trust, and Michael at Blackhill Bakery.

Supported by:
Covid-19 Supporting Communities Fund, Scottish Government


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