Lexis® Clause Intelligence - M&A Contract Drafting: Best Practices for Corporate and Law Firms

Описание к видео Lexis® Clause Intelligence - M&A Contract Drafting: Best Practices for Corporate and Law Firms

Watch the recording of the Lexis® Clause Intelligence - M&A Contract Drafting: Best Practices for Corporate and Law Firms, which took place on 22 August 2023.

Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) generally require large teams of lawyers accounting for the most minute of details to draft an iron-clad contract that best delivers the intentions and expectations of the parties.

With M&A transactions widely expected to increase across the APAC region in the latter half of 2023, this webinar seeks to answer commonly asked questions, in the light of recent economic, social, and legal developments throughout the region.

Gain invaluable insights from experienced M&A Dealmakers themselves, from whether there is a first-drafter advantage, to making the most of contract templates, navigating distressed M&A, along with their outlook on the landscape in 2023, and beyond.


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