আপনি কিছু জানতে চাইলে কীভাবে প্রশ্ন করবেন? - NUBD24 Ask Questions

Описание к видео আপনি কিছু জানতে চাইলে কীভাবে প্রশ্ন করবেন? - NUBD24 Ask Questions

This is the tutorial video, how to ask the question to nubd24.com. Because students of the National University of Bangladesh many times face different types of problems about there admissions, exams, form fill up, results and other problems there study. They are tried to find their answer to the queries about there problems. Students can submit their questions by fill up there names and email, or they can directly submit their queries login by facebook. Our team will try to answer the student's questions correctly.

Submit Question Link: https://wp.me/P9Q4XL-3n
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