Talk Show Hosts Collection on Letterman, Part 3a of 7: Johnny Carson

Описание к видео Talk Show Hosts Collection on Letterman, Part 3a of 7: Johnny Carson

This is my own supplementary material to the six-part documentary "The Story of Late Night" that will air on CNN. I selected seven talk-show hosts who had guested on Dave. Third up: Johnny Carson. This is the first of two parts: The Late Night years.

Part 3a: The Late Night Years, 1985-1993
1. May 16, 1985. May 16, 1985. Johnny makes his first appearance on Late Night on the show's last evening in Los Angeles. But before he does, he sets up a joke on his own show before delivering the punchline on Dave's: "There's an accident at a beer factory. Man goes to Mrs. O'Hara's house, and he says, 'There's been a terrible accident, I have some news: your husband drowned in a beer vat.' And Mrs. O'Hara says, 'Oh my poor husband, he didn't have a chance.' And the man said…"

Preceded by a promo.

2. July 15, 1988. The writers' strike is into its fourth month, and Dave is hosting his show with no material. So he calls Johnny and asks for his permission to play "Stump the Band."

3. November 17, 1989. Viewer Mail on Late Night: Dave does an impromptu Carnac impression before presenting the last letter.

4. May 2, 1990. Johnny faxes a joke to Dave on Late Night.

5. November 16, 1990. Viewer Mail on Late Night: Dave's second impression as Carnac, here scripted.

6. May 16, 1991. Dave checks his phone messages from, among others, Phil Donahue and Johnny Carson.

7. May 23, 1991. Johnny makes a surprise visit on Late Night, awarding Dave a giant Publisher's Sweepstakes check and casually mentioning that he's retiring next year.

8. April 24, 1992. Late Night Receptionist Jennifer Stilson's Day, with a phone message from Johnny.

9. May 8, 1992. Paul wishes Dave well after 30 years, mistaking him for Johnny.

10. May 22, 1992. Johnny's last night as host of The Tonight Show. Late Night begins with a Cold Opening montage of Johnny's appearances on the show; then Dave comments on Johnny's legacy. Plus a Top Ten list and a final "Good Luck" bumper at the end.
At the end of the show, NBC promotes Jay Leno's premiere for the following Monday.

11. September 2, 1992. Late Night's Staff Vacation Photos: Staffers show their photographs when they were in L.A. for the Emmy Awards. Co-Executive Producer Robert Morton shows photos of Johnny at Wolfgang Puck's restaurant.

From Gerard Mulligan: "On one of the staff's Emmy trips to L.A., Dave was hosting a Saturday-night dinner at Wolfgang Puck's Granita in Malibu for everyone. There were maybe 60 of us at 7 or 8 tables.

"Johnny showed up by himself for dinner, was told Dave was there with the Late Night people and came over and sat at Dave's table.

"Later that week, Johnny got a call from his business manager, who asked him about a huge bill from Granita. Turns out Johnny had kindly offered to pick up the check for the Letterman people, thinking there were only the 5 or 6 at Dave's table. He was more generous than he knew."

12. February 17, 1993. Dave calls Johnny and asks him to participate in a segment called "Tell Us About Your Lunch."

Also, see:
Ed McMahon, June 17, 1983:    • Ed McMahon on Letterman September 27,...  
Fred DeCordova, November 1, 1984:    • Fred DeCordova on Letterman, November...  
Doc Severinsen, June 17, 1985:    • Doc Severinsen on Letterman, June 17,...  


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