E-Help Twin Testflight

Описание к видео E-Help Twin Testflight

Twin electric hangglider flight test. A bit R&D checking out an old 80'ies concept from Skysports in England. Not sure I'm happy with this version of E-Help. Even though pretty easy to launch, fly and land it is not a good motorglider for thermalling. It is nose heavy in the glide mode and all the clutter and weight reduce the gliding performance. In thermals it need some thrust to be nice balanced handling in circling due to the weight of the motors on the control bar.

Twin engines and big prop disc area is efficient for amperes to thrust ratio. About 2,8 A/kg. However this big and 70 kg heavy aircraft need about 25-30 kg thrust to maintain cruise and 45 kg for takeoff.

Warning, do not copy this setup on an ordinary solo hangglider. It will probably not handle the pitch trim issues.


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