Top inspiring movies for leaders

Описание к видео Top inspiring movies for leaders

Leaders are unique. The difference between a follower and a leader is attitude.

Empowerment is the transfer of power from one source to another. It is about enabling an individual, or teams, to work autonomously and make decisions on an independent basis.

It takes years to become a leader. A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way. Leadership is the ability to inspire confidence, to motivate and support the people to achieve organizational success. A leaders set direction; they build an inspiring vision, are innovative and can stimulate others to achieve worthwhile goals.

Teams are formed to achieve a goal or set of objectives the individuals, working on their own would not be able to achieve. High-Performance Teams therefore deliver superior results, greater productivity and profits. Building and sustaining high performance teams is therefore one of the key people management skills.


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