Star Fox 64 (Nintendo 64) Playthrough - Part 2

Описание к видео Star Fox 64 (Nintendo 64) Playthrough - Part 2

Once the Star Fox team arrives in Fortuna, General Pepper orders them to recover the Cornerian Army's base because the enemy has planted a bomb in it. Just then their arch-enemies, StarWolf, show up to try and keep them from deactivating the bomb; and they're then forced to fight the four of them off. After Fortuna's base gets recovered, Star Fox flies to Solar to attack the enemy's bio weapon--the Arwing, however, might not make it through Solar because it's over 9000 degrees. Once the bio weapon gets defeated, Fox decides to take a Landmaster along the train tracks of Macbeth to attack Andross' Army's base and proceed onward to Area 6 (Venom's air defense zone).


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