Timelapse of the rebuilding of Norwich Cathedral’s organ

Описание к видео Timelapse of the rebuilding of Norwich Cathedral’s organ

The several thousand pipes of Norwich Cathedral’s historic organ were reinstalled in early 2023 as part of an ambitious project to rebuild the organ so that future generations can continue to enjoy its music.

The pipes had been removed in 2022 and taken to Harrison and Harrison’s base in Durham for specialist work before being returned in January 2023.

It took the expert organ builders from Harrison and Harrison nearly three months to reinstall most of the pipes from 3 January to 23 March 2023 – and you can watch their work here in just under six minutes!

For more information about the organ project, visit www.cathedral.org.uk

Timelapse by Bill Smith.
Accompanying music is Toccata from Symphony 5 by Widor, played by Ashley Grote. Music recording courtesy of Priory Records.


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