Polish and Italian version below

This video which, we call „Right Cylinder Exchange”, tackles a bit underestimated problem that may occure while diving sidemount. Obviously, we do realise that there will be divers questioning the necessity of learning this skill, possibly stating that a situation in which it might be useful is not very likely to take place. On the other hand, how many times in your diving career have you lost a mask, gone out of air, had to donate gas or brought an unconscious diver to the surface. We hope that, forunately, not many times if ever. But still we learn these skills even during basic open water courses. It’s always better to play it safe. Additionaly, working on a new skill always broadens your horizons, helps you master your byoyancy control and, at least for us, is a neverending fun.

In the following weeks we will be presenting short videos not with one but two divers. Each of the videos will be some kind of presentation of a probable scenario. We believe, there are not many videos with two divers available and we particularly feel drawn to the idea of sharing with you what we think we may offer in this field. We would deeply appreciate any discussion, exchanging ideas and suggestions. Sidemount community is tight and our mission is to create and share.

Now a few words on the case/scenario depicted in the video.
It is not so unlikely that during a dive we might realize that due to a current, gear malfunction, incorrect planning, physical problems, exhaustion or any other factors one of the team members finds himself/herself with less than the expected amount of gas, whereas the buddy has more of it and can share it. Wouldn't it be convenient to balance the gas supplies by exchanging the right tanks between team members before a real emergency occurs? There is a long hose for gas share in case of trouble. Of course! But that is already an emergency, two divers on a leash. Why not avoid this? Here is our solution.

In this particular skill we put emphasis on a few things:
1. Buoyancy control
2. Communication (we realise signs may differ depending on the agency)
3. Buddy awareness ( constant buddy observation while performing this skill)
4. Stowing/preparing the cylinders for exchange so that it looks neat and clean throughout the whole procedurę of cylinder exchane.
5. CYLINDER EXCHANGE WHERE IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO LOSE THE GRIP OF IT!!!! (and even if you do the cylinder is always secured with a doubleender or a bottomcylinder boltsnap).

Actually, that was one of our main objectives; to design a skill in sidemount that would show we can exchange cylinders without totally releasing the tank as this could entail a problem including the loss of a cylinder!
With that in mind we hope you find this video intreresting.

Please understand we filmed the videos in an amateur way, using a gopro and some unprofessional software. We realise it could have been done in a nicer way. We are just passionate divers who love practicing and diving so forgive us for any filmaking errors and lack of professional movie-making quality.

Best regards

Tomasz „Michur” Michura/ Gabriele „Molebuschi” Longo


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