কানাডায় পাসপোর্ট পেতে কত সময় লাগে ॥ How to Obtain a Canadian Passport॥

Описание к видео কানাডায় পাসপোর্ট পেতে কত সময় লাগে ॥ How to Obtain a Canadian Passport॥

You Need to Become a Citizen First

Attaining citizenship is a prerequisite for acquiring a Canadian passport. This involves several steps.

You must first be a permanent resident of Canada and comply with the country’s physical presence rules. For example, you need to demonstrate that you have lived in Canada for at least three of the past five years, which translates to approximately 1,095 days.

If applicable, you must also file your taxes. To highlight your understanding and communication abilities, passing a Canadian citizenship test and proving your language skills are also necessary.

Even if your permanent resident status was procured differently, these conditions must be met. Overall, a minimum of three years is generally required to secure Canadian citizenship, if pursuing a naturalisation route.

Note that if you are the direct child of a Canadian citizen (who was a citizen at the time of your birth) you may be eligible to inherit citizenship status from your parent.

How to Obtain a Canadian Passport

Once you have completed your citizenship ceremony and received your citizenship certificate, you can apply for a passport. Every citizen of Canada is eligible to apply for this document, and it is uncommon to be found ineligible. However, if you are found ineligible your citizenship may be revoked due to misrepresentation on your application or if there are concerns about security, violations of human or international rights, or connections to organised crime, associated with your application.

The procedure to apply for a Canadian passport requires specific paperwork as well. Your citizenship certificate is among the most critical documents, and you must include the original copy in your application. Even Canadians who were born in Canada need to provide a birth certificate as proof of their citizenship.


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