Nazi hunter advises French voters to go with far-right rather than far-left

Описание к видео Nazi hunter advises French voters to go with far-right rather than far-left

(4 Jul 2024)

Paris - 3 July 2024
1. Various of Nazi hunter, historian and author Serge Klarsfeld in office
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Serge Klarsfeld, Nazi hunter, Jewish historian and author:
"It's very simple. (French far-right leader) Marine Le Pen is the head of a party which supports Israel and supports the Jews against the Islam and against the killing of Jews during the last 10 years or 20 years. And I support the votes for Marine Le Pen because I believe that she says the truth when she supports Israel and the Jews. It's very simple."
3. Klarsfeld during interview
4. SOUNDBITE (French) Serge Klarsfeld, Nazi hunter, Jewish historian and author:
"The only victory that was won against antisemitism (in France) is the fact that the parties that were antisemitic are no longer antisemitic. Unfortunately, the parties that normally shouldn't be antisemitic have become antisemitic. The Far Left has become the Far Right concerning the Jews and therefore it seems to me perfectly normal, that in the case of an eventual dual between the two, to recommend voting for the National Rally."
5. Close of Klarsfeld in camera frame
6. Various of Klarsfeld's published papers on desk reading (French): "Memorial of the Deportation of Jews of France" and "The 11,400 Jewish Children Deported from France"
7. SOUNDBITE (French) Serge Klarsfeld, Nazi hunter, Jewish historian and author:
"We met her (Marine Le Pen). We believe she is sincere. Sincerely we believe she is sincere and that she will lead her party toward what we call a Republican arc. I am certain of it."
8. Klarsfeld at desk

Paris - 1 July 2024
9. Various of French far-right leader Marine Le Pen arriving at party headquarters

Paris - 4 July 2024
10. Author Jonathan Hayoun walking down street
11. Close of Hayoun's book cover reading (French): "The Hand of the Devil, How the Far Right Has Sought to Seduce the Jews of France"
12. SOUNDBITE (French) Jonathan Hayoun, co-author of "The Hand of the Devil, How the Far Right Has Sought to Seduce the Jews of France":
"Serge Klarsfeld thinks that he is going to be able to change her (Marine Le Pen). He believes that he has made her change. He has impacted history so much and it's true that he has achieved great historical victories. Considerable ones. But he won't win this one. It can't be won. The only way the leadership of the Far Right can change is by renouncing their representation of the far right and especially, while they have power, that's never going to be the time they change. Klarsfeld says that if tomorrow I'm mistaken, I will apologise. But that will be too late."
13. Close of Hayoun reading his book
14. SOUNDBITE (French) Jonathan Hayoun, co-author, The Hand of the Devil, How the Far Right Has Sought to Seduce The Jews of France":
"If Marine Le Pen were really against antisemitism she would not have around her so many people who built the most antisemitic party in France of the past forty years around her. If this is really what she wanted she would have left the National Rally. That's logical. She would not want France to be governed tomorrow by a party that was co-founded by a Nazi. There is something...And she wouldn't say that she was proud of this history. Marine Le Pen says at the same time that 'I am not like my father' and at the same time says 'I am proud of the history of my party.' You have to choose and she is not choosing. She wants to have it both ways. That's called double talk."
15. Hayoun reading his book

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