
Описание к видео 第17世大宝法王噶玛巴2024新年第一讲

A New Year's Message from the 17th Karmapa, Ogyen Trinley Dorje:

I would like to extend my Tashi Delek and warmest greetings to everyone, members of the sangha, friends, students, and colleagues, near and far. May you all enjoy good health, peace and contentment in 2024.
I pray that in the year ahead we will all strive together in harmony and unity for the welfare of the earth and for the sake of all sentient beings so that, through our efforts, happiness, peace and well-being will increase in every corner of the world.

我谨向各位远近的僧伽、朋友、学生、同事致以扎西德勒和最热烈的问候。 祝大家在2024年身体健康,平安满足。
祈愿在新的一年里,我们大家将团结一致,同心协力,为了地球的福祉,为了一切众生的福祉,共同努力,让喜乐、平安与幸福遍布世界的每一个角落。 世界。



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