ProfitRecovery by Threecolts - Stop losing money as an Amazon Seller

Описание к видео ProfitRecovery by Threecolts - Stop losing money as an Amazon Seller

The video is about ProfitRecovery Services offered by Threecolts, a service that helps Amazon sellers get reimbursements for a number of inventory events, including lost or damaged inventory, FBA refunds, and returns. The video features a case study of Acquco, a leading FBA acquire and operator, who recovered over $8 million with the help of SellerBench and RefundSniper.


The video explains how Acquco realized that Amazon was losing and miscalculating their inventory in the warehouse, impacting their cashflow. To solve this problem, they worked with SellerBench and RefundSniper to maximize recoveries, and the video explains the three reasons why they chose this solution, including the first time series inventory tracker, global expansion, and detailed reporting. The video concludes by highlighting that
Threecolts only get paid when the client successfully gets reimbursed by Amazon and that using ProfitRecovery Services can recover anywhere from 1% to 3% of revenue, improving profitability, and adding cashflow to the bottom line.

00:00 Introduction to Threecolts
00:05 The problem of lost or damaged inventory in Amazon warehouses
00:17 Introduction to SellerBench and RefundSniper
00:25 Explanation of profit recovery services
00:42 Case study focus: Accaco
00:46 Problem with Amazon's inventory management and its impact on Accaco
00:58 The challenges of using Excel sheets for managing inventory
01:05 Summary of the problem
01:19 The solution: SellerBench and RefundSniper
01:25 The time series inventory tracker feature
01:47 Global expansion capabilities
02:07 Detailed reporting feature
02:19 The result of the partnership
02:33 Conclusion: Learning about ProfitRecovery by Threecolts
02:35 Subscribe to Threecolts


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