【我的爸爸是條龍】靠超能老婆维持的婚姻生活... Thanks to my super-powerful wife, our marriage can be maintained

Описание к видео 【我的爸爸是條龍】靠超能老婆维持的婚姻生活... Thanks to my super-powerful wife, our marriage can be maintained

老婆持家超有一套的嘿嘿~買菜砍價+料理家務樣樣行!和老婆比起來我不過是條鹹魚罷了...My wife is very good at housekeeping! I'm just a salted fish compared to her...
🌷Instagram : daddy_loong
  / daddy_loong  


This is the official YouTube channel of 我的爸爸是條龍DragonFamily.
If you like my videos, don't forget to subscribe and like!

大家好:) 歡迎來看我們一家每天的快樂生活。



這位帶著黃色蝴蝶結的人類是我的老婆,可以叫她龍媽。龍媽不僅擅長經營家庭,還有在做設計類的自由職業哦!我常常覺得自己能娶到這麽優秀的老婆好幸運, 嗷嗚~😍





Hi everyone :) Welcome to my channel to watch the happy daily life of my family!

My name is Daddy Loong😎, a dragon who is not fierce but a little gentle😁

In the company, I am a hardworking worker; At home, I am a good husband and daddy as well. I love Dragon Ball, family, and life.

The woman with a yellow bow is my wife, you can call her Mummy Loong. Mummy Loong is not only good at running a family, but also doing freelance work in design. I always feel soooooo lucky to have such a perfect wife! Wow~😍

Dondon is a little dragon man with horns on his head and a tail. He is the child of Mummy Loong and mine, clever and independent(That must be inherited from his mother hahaha~). He is sooo smart that I want to teach him more skills, although sometimes I screwed up😅

Thanks for watching our videos and get ready with more laughter and surprise!

Feel free to leave us any comment and we’d like to produce better videos!

Thanks again for coming to watch my video today! Hope you guys enjoy the channel!

Have a good day~💕💕

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