Kevin Zadai: Praying from the Heavenly Realms (Ephesians 2:6)

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Kevin Zadai: Praying from the Heavenly Realms (Ephesians 2:6)
Kevin speaks at King of Kings on Saturday, 11/3/2018. Quotes: “Where I was in heaven - no one wants to come back! You can ask the surgeon. I woke up from the operating table crying because I had to come back. I actually was crying. I didn't want to come back. But Jesus told me, “It's not about you, it's about the people that you are being sent to. They need to hear what you've seen and what you've heard.”

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We're going to be teaching from the book, “Praying from the Heavenly Realms.” You have to understand the story behind these things because the story will minister to you just as much the story of why God It's one thing for a person to die to see heaven and then be sent back. It's one thing for that and then you say well you know that's everything that happens to Kevin is because he got to have that happen.

Jesus didn't refer to me as an apostle or a prophet or pastor teacher evangelist - he referred to me as Kevin. He said that the greatest in the kingdom is the servant of all. He said that because I chose not to put myself in the front I got promoted. Because I chose to serve others then I find myself in a position where people want to serve me, and they want to help me.

We were assistant pastors while I worked full time and my wife had a business she worked full time. We served the pastor for four years and I never got to speak from this pulpit. I got a Sunday school class. Now I’m asked to go to that church several times a year and that pastor is waiting for me. He wants to carry my bible. He wants to protect me from bad people. He wants to do everything for me.

There are no superheroes in heaven except one. God sets people - there's a key. Did you notice I said, “God sets.” You don't wake up one morning and you are a prophet. Every prophet I know doesn't want to be a prophet. Every apostle I know (that's really an apostle), they don't want to be an apostle. Because what you're carrying is for the next generation. You're not only carrying this generation, you're carrying the next generation on your shoulders.

Do you want responsible for the next generation? That is something that only God can set. I’ve been shown things that are going to happen in the next several years - they're my now - right now. There's people in here being healed right now. You could feel it - you can feel it in your body right now. You feel your heart starting to get soft - that's the power of God that's not a superhero.

I tell you this because what this is the thing you cannot give up something for God that God asks you to give up you cannot give it up and not get something back. It's not about giving so you can get - it's about giving so that you can live in the supernatural. You have to trade this life for his life. Some of you all don't even understand that - but see once you die and you're given your life back, it's no longer yours.

That's what Jesus said it should be anyway. Think about it - we come through this process of dying to self and it takes a whole lifetime. I’m telling you today it can happen - you don't have to take a lifetime because once you hear these stories you're going to say, “What the shortcut to the supernatural?” I just need to give it up. I need to get over myself. How many understand what I’m saying – you/ve got to get over yourself? Because God wants to use you but he wants you to enjoy the journey.

I have a responsibility to speak to this generation because if I don't the next generation is going to write about us how we missed it. I’m not going to let that happen. I was told that my publisher will be publishing books about this generation. I have 59 titles I still have to write and this is all just being with Jesus 45 minutes it was a whole week but it was compressed in the 45 minutes

I need to I need to speak to this generation because we are the generation that can chose to wrap it up. What has happened in the in the political realm and in the governments all through the world -everything has been put on hold. But see nobody really discerned it there was an opportunity for it all to end and all the prophecy teachers be all excited because all their charts you know - it just happened just like that bam. What Jesus did, he visited me and he said you know you can you can stop all this and he did this five years ago he visited me he took me up above the United States.


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