Corporate Video Examples: Our Top 5 Best of All Time!

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Say the words corporate video and you’ll probably send someone to sleep. But the good news is, we’ve got some ideas to help you.

Here, we take an exclusive look at five of our Top 5 best corporate video examples of all time, proving that corporate video can be just as exciting as any content out there.


One of the keys to making a great corporate video, especially when you’re on a budget and a deadline, is using what you’ve got to your advantage. So when we were sent to Tokyo to shoot a corporate video about a leading Manga artist, it was obvious that Tokyo itself, with its neon lit streets, would play a starring role.
But... The filming location we had for the interview was... Well... not quite as impressive. So... we used neon lighting to bring the outside in.
Capturing the atmosphere of a city as futuristic as Tokyo in less than 3 days is no easy task. So... we loaded up on sushi and spent every night filming Tokyo’s cyberpunk cityscapes with twisting camera moves, high octane hyper-lapses and otherworldly effects.
The result? A super slick corporate video that looks every bit as cool as the city itself.


High impact visuals aren’t the only way to keep your audience engaged - And you certainly don’t need to have the budget to travel to Tokyo - Not when you have a compelling human story sitting right in front of you, as our next example shows.
Scratch the surface and you’ll find that every business has an incredible story to tell. But... Bringing it to life is not always easy, especially when you’re creating a corporate video about the complex world of... Energy switching.
Think of most energy videos and you’ll probably think of this [Insert Wind Farms]... And this [Insert Solar Panels]...
Instead we swapped cheesy stock footage of wind farms and solar panels, for high-tech London cityscapes... And translated complicated and exhausting jargon, in to a story that wouldn’t look out of place on Netflix.


Sometimes, you just can’t beat sheer scale.
Take the largest building in the world, for example, add dozens of aircraft with over 2 million moving parts and set yourself the challenge of filming it all in just 2 days.
This is what we had to work with when we were asked to film a corporate video at Boeing’s flagship factory in Seattle - A building so large in fact, that cloud layers form inside.
Watching the video, you’d be forgiven to think that it was filmed using complex camera cranes and robotic arms. In fact, it was all captured from the back seat... of a golf buggy - Which made us feel much cooler than it probably should have...
Add to this one of the most epic and powerfully framed interviews we have ever shot and it’s easy to see why this film makes our top 5 corporate videos of all time.


The best examples of corporate videos are always those which inject some creativity. This was certainly the case with our corporate video to help launch a brand new partnership at the British Museum.
The challenge? Create a corporate video entirely from still photos. The problem? We could only begin filming when the museum was closed.
Well... Having seen ‘Night at the Museum’, that sounded pretty cool to us.
It took over 1,200 photos, some intense calculations and lots of minuscule steps...
Every single image was then painstakingly stitched together, rotated and stabilised.
The end result was an explosive, whirlwind tour unlike any seen before, inside one of the words most famous museums.


It’s easy to get seduced by videos that look the part, but don’t generate results. UCC Coffee gave us one simple task: produce a corporate video series to transform the way coffee is served.
In just one week, we filmed Coffeeworks - a step by step video guide to help customers make better coffee and serve lots of it.
We blended tutorials and how to videos, with promotional content that was smoother than a flat white.
Add a dash of new business wins and a mammoth increase in efficiency and the Coffeeworks video series is the perfect recipe for success.
Perhaps all of the caffeine has something to do with it...

So... That’s a wrap. These are just a few examples of how corporate video production can be anything but ‘corporate’.

If you’re thinking about a corporate video for your business, then we’d love to hear from you.

To watch more examples, visit


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