Method to increase tillering in Wheat crop || Productive tillers of wheat || Crop Reformer

Описание к видео Method to increase tillering in Wheat crop || Productive tillers of wheat || Crop Reformer

For better wheat production, 12 to 15 Lac spikes are thought to be complete. Wheat continues to form new tillers upto two months after its sowing date. Twenty percent to thirty percent tillers are considered infertile. This video is about the suggestions about how to increase fertile tillers. Tillering plays a vital role in better production of wheat. Tillering represents the growth and development of wheat crop. This year, weather is not cooling down and the temperature has not dropped to optimum required levels that is necessary for better tillering in wheat crop. After one week, there is a weather forecast of cold weather that will help the sown wheat to develop maximum tillers. A major cause of lesser tillering is the lesser or no use of phosphatinc fertilizers like dap fertilizer (diammonium phosphate) at sowing time. Application of phosphorus and irrigation will enhance tillering.
When 45-50 kg/acre seed is planted, it gives rise to 8-10 lac plants. Almost 12-15 lac fertile tillers are developed from this population. Proper fertilizer and management practices under prevailing system of wheat cultivation result into 45-55 maunds per acre. Primary tillers produce larger ears and more production. This 1.5 time tillers out of the germinated population leads to maximum primary tillers which result into maximum yield per acre. If seed rate is further increased for maximum primary tillers, yield is reduced due to intra row and intra plant competition. Tillering capacity may be increased through the luxury use of phosphorus in case of any seed rate or plant population, but extra ordinary increase in tillering capacity again result into more infertile tillers which lead to reduced yield as compared to 50 kg per acre seed spaced population of broadcast method in most cases.
Tillers can be increased with the help of more fertilizers. But more tillers does not ensure the more yield. An optimum quantity of tillers is required in the presence of a balanced fertilizer plan. This is the key to successful wheat cultivation and getting more production. Production technology of wheat has made a compromised setting to produce maximum yield potential.



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