P-SB7-SDD Frequency Sweep with Shadow Detection

Описание к видео P-SB7-SDD Frequency Sweep with Shadow Detection

The New P-SB7-SDD Frequency Sweep ITC Device with built-in SDD Shadow Detection Detects subtle light contrast variations from an external RED (640nm) illumination source. The device utilizes a computer processor coupled with an LDR & proprietary software and self calibrating software algorithm to analyze subtle luminous intensity variations. The auto calibration determines battery drain associated with the SDD circuit and illumination source, and then optimizes the SDD performance to achieve up to 8 hours of continuous operation. Luminous intensity changes are then converted into sound with corresponding RED / GREEN LED Alarm that your ears and eyes can discern.
You can use the P-SB7-SDD with:
RED, GREEN or WHITE LEDs and even a Flashlight
A RED or GREEN Laser Grid
A RED or GREEN Laser Pointer

You can use the subtle light from a RED exit sign, street light coming through a window any other "stable" indirect incandescent light.
A Red, Green or White LED and Laser Illumination source can be used up to 70'-100' away. When something interrupts the field of view (less light) a descending series of tones will sound. If an objects dwells within the beam or is self illuminating (increased light level) ascending tones will be heard.
Objects that reflect light, or that are self illuminating can also be detected. The P-SB7-SDD has 5 sensitivity settings. So that the device can be configured for a variety of investigative styles and circumstances. You can even use the illumination from a candle, exit sign or full moon shining through a window. Application technique really depends on the creativity of the person using the device. This device was designed to further promote the Paranormal research field


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