Eagle Sculptures by Chester Fields

Описание к видео Eagle Sculptures by Chester Fields

Chester Fields is world renown for is eagle sculptures, metal sculpture, bronze sculpture, swan statues and wildlife paintings. http://chesterfieldsbronzes.com/ Chester Fields has mastered the design and creation of bronze eagle sculptures. One reason behind Chester Fields' success is his passion for wildlife art which he expresses through his bronze eagle sculpture and wildlife art paintings. A professional wildlife artist for over 35 years, Chester Fields has spent 25 years specializing in sculpting eagle sculpture. Observing the oil paintings, monuments, and garden sculpture with an inquisitive eye, Chester Fields kept note of his favorite fine art techniques, and incorporated those into his wildlife art work. A turning point in Chester Fields' career came with his first statue, Splashdown, in 1984 depicting an eagle catching a fish. Presently a sold-out edition with only a few monuments remaining, Splashdown continues to be a favorite eagle sculpture composition. With sculpture, Chester Fields realized his ability to bring the eagles on his canvases to life.


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