Haftarah Blessing (After Haftarah Reading)- SING

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This is the blessing recited after reading the haftarah portion (taken from the prophets/ne-vee-eem section of the Hebrew bible). There are other variations in chanting melodies. (Reconstructionist, Conservative, and Orthodox prayer books have a longer version of this blessing.)


Ba-ruch a-tah, A-do-nai, E-lo-hei-nu, me-lech ha-o-lam,
tsur kol ha-o-la-mim, tsa-dik b'chol ha-do-rot,
Ha-El ha-ne-e-man, ha-o-meir v'o-seh,
Ha-m'da-beir um-ka-yeim, she-kol d'va-rav e-met va-tse-dek.

Al ha-Torah, v'al ha-a-vo-dah, v'al ha-n'vi-im, v'al yom ha-Sha-bat ha-zeh,
She-na-ta-ta la-nu, A-do-nai E-lo-hei-nu, lik-du-sha v'lim-nu-cha,
l'cha-vod ul-tif-a-ret.
Al ha-kol, A-do-nai E-lo-hei-nu, a-nach-nu mo-dim lach, um-va-r'chim o-tach.

Yit-ba-rach shim-cha b'fi kol chai, tamid, l'o-lam va-ed.
Ba-ruch a-tah A-do-nai, m'ka-deish ha-Sha-bat.


Blessed are You - the Lord our God, King of the universe, Rock of all ages, righteous in all generations,
the faithful God, who says and does, who speaks and fulfills, for all His words are truth and righteousness.


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