MGS2: Deck 2, Port [Caution Test]

Описание к видео MGS2: Deck 2, Port [Caution Test]

Viewer Request:

There was a request from one of my previous videos from a viewer: "what does that 2nd last hallway look like in caution? - @williammurderface2377

This intrigued me, details like this in MGS games keep me up at night. I had to find out.


Clip 1: Caution mode only. All guards are on alert (so to speak.) Interesting to note that the final guard keeps "murmuring in his sleep", even though he is very alert. As you can see there is no way to Ghost this stage in Caution Mode due to this guard.

No additional guards enter the stage in Caution Mode only.

Clip 2: Alert mode from the start. You cannot lose alert by leaving the guards line of sight unless you use stealth camo. There is in fact a 4th additional guard in the stage. What I didn't show is even if you lose alert and caution mode, he will stay in the stage and patrol around, he doesn't leave through the doors.

You can lose the alert by murdering all the guards until they stop spawning, or by KOing them.

Nice to know you can go back to this area and all guards have respawned, so if you missed a dogtag you can retrigger them. No way to carry the alert or caution over to the next area.

Let me know if you have any curiosities and I will be keen to test em out.


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