Love (The Greatest Lie Ever Sold) Explained In 10 Minutes

Описание к видео Love (The Greatest Lie Ever Sold) Explained In 10 Minutes

What does a misanthropic twat behind a desk have to say about love?
Well I think love is a great thing. With the abolition of arranged marriages and invention of prophylactics, love is now more necessary than ever to ensure you breed, and the manpower pool is maintained.

Slightly cynical.

This is a factual programme, you’re going to learn a lot, now the Romans or the greeks or whatever though love could only occur by men, for men. Women, this is going to be a bumpy ride, so strap on.

Now love has been around for a long time, but I can’t say it’s been around forever because I don’t know. I mean maybe cavemen were very practically minded and they just looked at each other and said alright I’ll cook you clean.

The idea of love has probably been around since people started clubbing each other to death, but in western society marriage, until recently, was based on social cohesion and mutual interest. I mean it still is obviously, just now there’s the love hoop as well to jump through. But what is love, it seems like such an obvious question, but its very hard to define...


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