Pro Audio Sound Tips #3

Описание к видео Pro Audio Sound Tips #3

Alright, some more Sound Tips for live sound and also I am going to rock a YouTube membership area where we can bump the videos up a notch and encompass more topics, connect better with comments and video suggestions and do some live chats and such.

In his "Pro Audio Sound Tips #3" video, Dave Rat speaks about his plans to open a membership area on YouTube where he'll share early and exclusive videos, expanded topics, and new products before their public release. For a $4.99 monthly fee, members can access the videos, attend live chats, and be part of a buffered community. He also shares various pro audio sound tips, including keeping spare inputs in case a channel goes down, being careful while selecting mic patterns, and utilizing cardioid, super cardioid, and hypercardioid microphones to achieve maximum sound quality on stage.

Dave Rat talks about his plan to open a membership area on YouTube where he'll share early and exclusive videos, expanded topics like the business side of running a sound company or the development of sound tools, and new products before their public release. For a $4.99 monthly fee, members can access the videos at a discount, attend live chats, and be part of a buffered community.

Dave Rat also shows his 3D-printed mini monitor rig and gives a sound tip of adding fake inputs to mic charts when using local PAs.

The speaker provides pro audio sound tips. Firstly, he suggests having spare inputs in case a channel goes down. Additionally, he advises keeping in mind that test gear could be misleading and that you need to ensure it is functioning properly.

He further recommends splitting out mic level inputs by daisy-chaining extra DI boxes and selecting mic patterns carefully while being aware of the rear sound pickup.

He concludes by emphasizing the importance of being prepared for last-minute media feeds to make the show run smoothly.

The speaker discusses the use of cardioid, super cardioid, and hypercardioid microphones for optimal sound quality on stage. He explains that the optimum location for a wedge monitor with a cardioid microphone is right in front of the mic, and its angle must be adjusted to achieve maximum rejection of feedback.

Tipping the mic upward helps to avoid pointing the primary pickup area of the microphone at the cymbals, whereas utilizing a hypercardioid mic pointed upwards enables one to place wedges behind a seated person and still have them in the optimum rejection zones of the microphone, giving the appearance of the artist singing directly to the audience.

Membership will include:
- Loyalty badges next to your name in comments and live chat
- Custom emoji to use in live chat
- Older and unreleased videos not available to general public
- See new videos weeks or months before non members
- Rough cuts and bloopers
- Exclusive videos ( videos on topics like running a sound rental business and product design)
- Members only live chat

Cool cool, lets get even more sound nerdy!

Oh, and here is the link to join my YouTube Membership:    / @daverat  

00:00 Start
00:23 YouTube Membership
03:01 Tiny monitor rig
04:35 SoundTip #1 - Mic chart vs club PA
05:27 SoundTip #2 - Sound check your RTA
08:05 SoundTip #3 - Easy media feeds
09:56 SoundTip #4 - Mic pattern vs wedge placement


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