Veteran Appeal | Is COPD a VA Disability | Cameron Firm PC

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Is COPD a VA Disability?
Nearly 1.25 million veterans had COPD in 2020. If you or someone you know is a veteran diagnosed with
COPD, you may wonder if it can be a VA service-connected disability.
The answer is yes. This video will cover what COPD is, the basics of service connection for COPD, and
how VA rates it.
What Is COPD?
COPD stands for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and describes multiple conditions that cause
breathing problems in the patient. It “obstructs” the flow of air through the patient’s lungs. Chronic
bronchitis and emphysema are the two most common conditions that fall under COPD.
COPD Symptoms
Unfortunately, COPD symptoms may not show up until much damage has been done to the lungs.
● Productive, chronic cough
● Shortness of breath
● Wheezing
● Tightness in the chest
● Respiratory infections
● Fatigue
● Unintended weight loss
● Swelling in feet, ankles, or legs
There are multiple COPD stages, given that it is a progressive disease. Symptoms that require emergency
● Inability to breathe
● Blue lips or fingernail beds
● Rapid heartbeat
● Foggy feeling or trouble concentrating
What Causes COPD?
● Exposure to Particulate Matter. Occupational exposure to certain chemicals or dust can damage
the lungs. For veterans, this exposure takes place near burn pits. In the past, it could have been
caused by exposure to asbestos.
● Air Pollution. Breathing certain gases can damage the lungs and lead to COPD.
● Smoking. COPD and other lung conditions can be related to smoking cigarettes.
Not all smokers develop COPD, so there is a genetic predisposition to the condition and even genetic
disorders that can cause it.
It is possible to treat COPD, though it cannot be cured. Treatment for COPD includes
● Stop smoking
● Medication
● bronchodilators
● Steroid or combination inhalants
● Oral steroids
● Lung therapy
● Treatment for depression or other complications
Related Conditions
COPD is a progressive condition and can lead to severe complications. Those complications include:
● Respiratory infections
● Heart problems
● Lung cancer
● High blood pressure
● Depression
Service Connection for COPD
Three conditions must be present for a veteran to receive service connection for this condition:
A COPD diagnosis, an in-service event, and a link between the two.
COPD Diagnosis
The first step to getting service-connected for COPD is being officially diagnosed by either a VA or private
In-Service Event
The first step in connecting a diagnosis to service is identifying an event in service. The event could be a
one-time occurrence such as an injury, or a sustained activity such as repeated exposure to burn pits.
Causal Link
Usually, the VA requires some evidence of a link between the condition and the in-service event. In
other words, no event between service and the diagnosis can have intervened and caused the condition.
However, COPD is on a list of “presumed” illnesses from post-9/11 service in Iraq and Afghanistan, as
well as other countries.
VA Disability Rating for COPD
Getting a grant of service connection from the VA is not the end of the story. The VA still needs to issue
The VA rates conditions from 0% to 100% depending on the severity of the symptoms and how the veteran’s everyday life, including the ability to hold employment, is impacted.
symptoms and how the veteran’s everyday life, including the ability to hold employment, is impacted.
Connect With Experienced Veterans Disability Attorneys
Attorneys are valuable partners in disability appeals. If you want to know more about pursuing service
connection for COPD or any other condition, schedule a free consultation with attorneys from connection for COPD or any other condition, schedule a free consultation with attorneys from the
Cameron Firm, P.C., by calling 800-861-7262 or filling out the contact box on our website.


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