Sony HX20V Part 3. HX9V vs HX20V vs iPhone 4s

Описание к видео Sony HX20V Part 3. HX9V vs HX20V vs iPhone 4s

I had only a couple of hours to test the cameras side by side as I had to hand the HX9V to its new owner so not an extensive test but I'm pleased with the results. Without a multi camera "rig" This side by side testing is not as easy as you might imagine..... dont think ill be doing it again LOL !
As you may see if you view the full video, the HX20 is not a massif upgrade over the HX9v but one crucial upgrade makes it a worthwhile purchase for me. I use this camera to record video more than I do to take photographs so the video function and quick/ease of use are very important to me. I'm pleased to report Sony have addressed the lag issue where by the camera would take an age to start recording after the record button was pressed. Not any more !!!! Also, resolution is improved as is the OI stabilising especially at full (x20) zoom.

You may notice some blown highlights here and there it was difficult to view the viewfinder under the conditions. Sony could learn a thing or two from Samsung and their "amoled" screens. The iPhone was the wild card but turned in a very competent performance. All footage shot in ia mode.


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