Is there anything I can do to nourish the placenta for my Mono-Di twins?

Описание к видео Is there anything I can do to nourish the placenta for my Mono-Di twins?

Blood-flow to babies in the womb is affected by so many different factors, and ultimately, it all comes down to things that may affect blood-flow through the placenta and umbilical cord, which are literally the baby's lifelines. Anything that affects blood-flow through these structures will affect the oxygenation and nutrition status of a baby. And you wanted to know specifically if there's anything that you can do in order to increase blood-flow to your babies so that they get the nutrition they need (because you're pregnant with twins) and so that they'll grow adequately. And really, there's nothing that you can do directly as a pregnant mother to increase blood-flow to your babies or to reduce the risk of restriction in blood-flow to your babies.

The best thing you can do is to make and keep all of your prenatal appointments. And I'm also assuming that because you're pregnant with twins, especially because they're Mono-Di twins, you're probably also seeing a specialist called a perinatologist, and it's important to go to all of your appointments with your OB provider and with them. And as they examine you in each appointment, do ultrasounds, non-stress tests - all of these things will help them know how your babies are doing, and catch problems (if they are occurring) in a timely manner so that they can intervene if necessary and get you the best outcomes possible for you and your babies. If you have more specific questions or concerns about it, talk with your OB provider, and they'll be able to give you tailored information and advice. If you have more questions for me in the future, feel free to ask them on our Facebook page at   / intermountainmoms  , and recommend us to your friends and family too.


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