Coin Magic Tutorial: Improving the French Drop and Retention Vanish

Описание к видео Coin Magic Tutorial: Improving the French Drop and Retention Vanish

Some in-depth tips and advice on 2 of the oldest and most used techniques in coin magic. Join me as I share with you some of my own thoughts and details on these 2 moves. I even break down a little bit of history and show you where you can learn more.

In the last couple of years about 5 different versions of the Retention Vanish have come onto the magic market. Of course, they all look really good and are very visual, but so is the classic retention of vision if done correctly.

Here's the website where you can dive into some old books:

I'm not sure of all the books on magic available, but take a look at: Modern Coin Manipulation, The Art of Magic, Our Magic, The Modern Conjurer, and more


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