Chiriyeko Mutu II Rohit Thapa IICover by Mary Pradhan II New Nepali Christian Song 2023 Good Friday

Описание к видео Chiriyeko Mutu II Rohit Thapa IICover by Mary Pradhan II New Nepali Christian Song 2023 Good Friday

Music/ Lyric - Rev Rohit Thapa
Graphics/Video - Abel Zion
Music Arrangement, Mixing & Mastering - Aniesh Khaling Rai
Recording Studio - Tab Studio (Mirik)
Sarangi - Manice Gandharva
Flute - John Rashin Singh
Poster and Thumbnail - Anurag Rai

Special thanks:
Deepshika Gurung(sister)
Drupa Tamang Babu(Brother)
Ps. Ruben Pradhan(elder Brother)
and all my Church members and family.

Hello everyone, welcome to my lyrical music video on YouTube. This song is composed by Rev. Rohit Thapa, an anointed worship leader, song writer and singer. I want to thank him for giving me his composition to cover.

I have been personally touched by the love of God, when I heard this song a year ago. As I listened to this song, the weight and the agony of the Cross flashed before my eyes and His love like the waves of the warm ocean current crashed over me again and again. Ever since then the tangibility of His love and the reality of the Cross has constantly enveloped me. I am reminded by such an embrace of the sight of the Cross of the verse mentioned in Isaiah 53:7
"He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth."

As you tune in to listen to this song, I pray that each of you, blessed body of Christ, would be woken up to the love and sacrifice displayed on the Cross by our wonderful saviour, Christ Jesus.

"चिरिएको मुटु"
चिरिएको मुटु भत्किएको शरीर (2)
हत्केलामा मेरो नाउँ लेखेर
अनन्तसम्मको माया दिएर (2)
झुन्डिए आज क्रूसमा
दुई चोरहरू को माझमा (2)
हो हो हो हो हो हो हो
हो हो हो हो हो हो हो (2)

मेरै निम्ति सृष्टि अघि देखि नै
बाटो हेरिरहने येशू
कोर्राको हरेक प्रहारहरूमा
उद्धार साट्ने येशू
जन्मैको पापी अब धर्मी हुन्छ
टाढाको स्वर्ग आफ्नै घर बन्छ (2)
मुक्ति छ त्यो क्रूसमा
स्वर्ग धर्तीको माझमा (2)
चिरिएको मुटु भत्किएको शरीर ......

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"Chiriyeko Mutu" Copyright © Mary Pradhan 2023


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