Описание к видео ARSENAL VG33 LW setup

ARSENAL VG33 Color scheme: Arme de l'Air - 1940

This 3D model is available for free download at the following links:

GENERAL INFO The model was created based on blueprints, photos and historical documentation. It was created with precision in detail and in real units of measurement to be a faithful digital reproduction of the original. Textures: Raw rgb, diffuse, specular, reflection, trasparency and two bump maps Textures size: 8k The archive includes two additional Raw rgb textures (clean and custom) and decals to customize your model. Modeling, texturing and setup are all made with Lightwave 2015. The scene and the model are compatible starting from Lightwave 11.x. Due to different way to handling texture values, probably you have to correct texture settings when use the object with other software. Regarding the textures, I suggest you to not use the Diffuse Map I provide unless you need a static render. Inside Images folder there is the Custom subfolder where you can find two additional color textures (clean and custom) and some decals. The clean version is the same of the original one without scratches and dirty. The custom version has only the camouflage colors without decals, scratches and dirty to permit you to customize your aircraft.

LIGHTWAVE Inside the Lightwave scene there is a basic setup with controls that allows you to animate ailerons, flaps, rudder, elevators, landing gears, propeller and other stuffs. You can pick each item using the simple interface framed by the camera named 'Controls Selection Camera'. When you open the scene you will find this interface on the right side of the screen. If you animate the model, for a better result, in the Surface Editor you may activate (for each surface) the Edit Nodes where I set up an Ambient Occlusion node linked to the Diffuse channel.

BLENDER The Blender scene has a basic setup with controls that allows you to animate ailerons, flaps, rudder, elevators, landing gears, propeller and other stuffs.

FBX The Fbx file has been exported with Lightwave. When you open it with other software you may need to retouch texture settings. The Fbx file includes the object with the original Lightwave setup with bones linked to the weight maps.

OBJ As for the Fbx file, you may need to retouch or reassign texture maps when open the Obj file with different software.

In any case the object has a unique UV map. To reassign textures you only have to load texture maps and assign each of them to the respective channel (color, diffuse, specular, etc.)

For any difficult or question I am always available to give you assistance.

I would be very grateful if any of my models could help you to do a great job.


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