The Drydock - Episode 192

Описание к видео The Drydock - Episode 192

00:00:00 - Intro

00:00:40 - 'Reprogramming' fire control computers on battleships?

00:06:51 - In regards to ships sunk by carrier-based aircraft. Is the Carrier from which those planes are based also credited with the kill?

00:11:05 - Which trades are made when making a dual purpose gun in the 4" to 5.25" range. IE, what design features makes for a good anti surface gun against destroyers and smaller vessels, and what design features makes for a good AA gun, and where do they clash?

00:17:48 - Welcome to Singapore!

00:27:22 - In terms of tonnage sunk, which carrier-based aircraft was the most effective in the Pacific Theater of WW2?

00:31:44 - 'Carrier Admirals' in the interwar period

00:35:01 - Given that the US & Royal Navies found particular advantages with light cruisers, particularly, The Brooklyn & Town classes, would the Imperial Japanese Navy have been better served keeping the Mogamis as 6" cruisers? And, if so, would this mean we would see the Yamato's secondary batteries be kitted out with twin 8" turrets?

00:37:39 - Could the Fenian plot to bomb HMS Canada have succeeded?

00:41:55 - What would daily life be like on a galley?

00:47:08 - What are some moments in documentaries or movies that stand out in your mind as just so terrible you can't unsee them? Flipside, what are some movies or documentaries that stand out as superlative in their accuracy or quality?

00:51:56 - What exactly is involved in designing a large naval gun?

00:56:57 - Open bridges vs. enclosed/covered bridges

00:58:54 - In refits & modernizations, how exactly are the larger pieces of machinery physically removed from the lower parts of the ship? Do designers usually build in methods of getting them out whilst removing minimal parts of the ship's internal structure? Or do you just have to accept that you'll be gutting half the ship?

01:02:03 - When was the last time a navy used a "dummy fleet" to throw off the enemy?

01:03:13 - In WWII action photos, British seamen are almost always shown wearing anti-flash gear on the heads and hands. But American sailors did not seem to adopt those measures. Is this an accurate impression, and if so, why the difference?

01:05:40 - Minesweeping ahead of invasions?

01:08:05 - The grounding of HMS Raleigh

01:10:56 - How did ship builders learn from each other during the age of sail?

01:12:27 - Calculating the odds for naval combat?

01:14:51 - It seems like some ships fired at least one of their guns one final time before they sank. Was this mere coincidence or was it the ship saying goodbye to her crew before she sank?

01:17:20 - What sort of impact did the Acacia class have on minesweeping in the Dardanelles upon arrival, compared to the preceding motley selection of trawlers etc?

01:19:38 - How much space would be required for a capital ship action to be considered "open ocean", to where Admirals weren't constrained by landmass?

01:22:44 - In the Stan Rogers song "The Nancy," what is the "moy" on Lake St Clair?

01:24:05 - What was the logic behind the Grand Fleet taking Armored Cruiser squadrons to Jutland?

01:26:15 - Did the Brits or any other Allied nation create any new Amphibs in WW2?

01:28:09 - I've seen/heard anecdotal evidence of ground-based artillery (field guns, howitzers, tank guns, etc.) being fired from the decks of landing ships in a shore bombardment role in WWII. Was this ever a systematic practice? If so, does evidence exist as to its efficacy?

01:31:22 - Basic hull thickness?

01:34:30 - What effect does a ships name have on them being presevred?

01:38:02 - It's very common in modern naval contracts for a component of "technology transfer" IE. technical know-how being provided as part of the deal, especially with a nation less experienced in shipbuilding. Were such components to naval contracts common in the age of steam and steel?

01:41:29 - Why made Great Eastern so resiliant?

01:45:00 - What do AA gun crews do in the case of a surface engagement? Would they just be on damage control duty? What would the main gun crew (no- dual purpose weapons) do if an air raid was taking place?

01:48:29 - How many Spanish ships fought in the Battle of Cape Passaro (1718)?

01:54:30 - In naval history, has there been a case where a comparatively, relatively easy change did or could made a big difference to the performance of a ship?

01:57:35 - Concrete ships?


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