核ミサイル基地を平和の発信地に 沖縄研修道場【沖縄本土復帰50年】|創価学会公式

Описание к видео 核ミサイル基地を平和の発信地に 沖縄研修道場【沖縄本土復帰50年】|創価学会公式

2022年5月15日 沖縄は本土復帰50年を迎えました。


その証拠として、沖縄県恩納村にある「創価学会 沖縄研修道場」の敷地内には、核ミサイル「メースB」の基地跡が今も残っています。

アメリカ統治下の時代から沖縄で取材をしてきた、元琉球新報社 論説委員長の野里洋氏へのインタビュー。



#沖縄 #本土復帰#核兵器 #メースB
#核#核シェアリング#沖縄戦 #恩納村#キューバ危機
#Okinawa #Reversion #NuclearWeapons #MaceB
#Nuclear #NuclearSharing #BattleOfOkinawa #OnnaVillage #CubanMissileCrisis

The Okinawa training center of the Soka Gakkai, located in Onna Village, represents a resort area known for its beautiful coral reefs.
The training center was once the site of a missile launch facility for the U.S.-deployed nuclear missile called the Mace B, during the time when Okinawa was under American control.
In 1962, during the Cuban Missile Crisis, there was a mistaken launch order given at the missile base in Okinawa due to the tense global situation.
Daisaku Ikeda, the third president of the Soka Gakkai, visited Okinawa in 1960 and expressed his condolences and prayers for all the victims of the war, as well as began writing the novel "The Human Revolution" while in Okinawa.
In 1983, under Ikeda's proposal, the missile launchers were sealed and a monument for world peace was installed, transforming the former missile base into a symbol of peace. The remaining interior of the base became an exhibition hall open to the public, showcasing missile models, exhibits on the nuclear threat, and artwork depicting the Battle of Okinawa.



   / sokanet_ch  

  / sokagakkai_official  


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