Garden tour featuring 22 native plants that thrive in sandy soils and well as a variety of soils and USDA Hardiness Zones found in Florida (and cooler areas). Tour hosted by Janet, Hernando Chapter Florida Native Plant Society, who shares her horticultural expertise about the native plant garden's variety of plants. Gardening tips and information shared to help you select the right native plant for your garden so you can successfully grow the garden you want, whether you are a beginning gardener, new to Florida's diverse ecosystems, or want more native plants in the garden you have. Garden design ideas are included. Resources are discussed and listed below. You'll be surprise at the variety of full sun and shade plants discussed - wildflowers, shrubs, grasses, groundcovers, aquatic plants, and ferns. Ideas for specimen, border, and screening plants, pollinator gardens, wildflower gardens, rock gardens, and native plant gardens included. What do you think you might add to your garden? Comment! Subscribe @gardenyay
00:00 Introduction to Native Plant Garden in Nature Coast Botanical Gardens in Spring Hill, Florida. Purpose of video to looks at plants in the Native Plant Garden that could be good choices for your garden.
01:10 Meet Janet, tour guide and current president of Hernando Chapter Florida Native Plants Society. She discusses first plant - a beautiful example of a Beautyberry shrub.
01:36 At entrance to Native Plant Garden. Discuss plants growing in the sandhill habitat - Liatris, Coontie, Silver saw palmetto, Lopsided Indian grass.
05:23 Move along to sandhill wildflowers and other plants that are big pollinator attractors - Calamint, False rosemary (scrub mint), Garberia.
06:44 Move along to another wildflower garden to review Tickseed, Dotted horsemint, Skullcap, and Elliott's love grass.
07:52 Move along to shrubs - Coral bean, Garberia, Ocala anise, Jamaican porterweed.
10:23 Move along to shade loving ground cover - Creeping sage.
10:57 Move along to plants in hammock area - Narrow leaf sunflower and Velvet leaf wild coffee.
11:52 Move along to water feature with native aquatic plants - spider lilies, lily pad, Scarlet hibiscus.
12:43 Move along to shady garden areas - Dwarf wild coffee, Cooley's waterwillow, River oats, Shiny leaf wild coffee, Maidenhair fern, Pecluma dispersa endangered fern, Goldenrod, Oakleaf hydrangea, and Hearts a Bursting.
16:46 Move along to information kiosk with native plant information, map of garden, and notices of native plant sales and other Hernando Chapter activities of public interest. Website information shared for additional resources to help gardeners with appropriate plant selection, and how to purchase native plants in their area.
18:56 Hope you enjoy the walk around the Native Plant Garden and information shared. Comment. Like. Subscribe @gardenyay
🪴Florida Native Plant Society
🪴Hernando Chapter Florida Native Plant Society / hcfnps
🪴Florida Wildflower Foundation
🪴Ask IFAS University of Florida educational resources
🪴Nature Coast Botanical Gardens, 1489 Parker Avenue, Spring Hill, Florida
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