Laura Sichero - Epidemiological and Functional Impact of HPV-16 genetic variability.

Описание к видео Laura Sichero - Epidemiological and Functional Impact of HPV-16 genetic variability.

Persistent infections by high-risk HPVs (human papillomavirus) are associated with the development of cervical and vulvar cancer in women, penile cancer in men, and anal and oropharyngeal tumors in both gender. Among this group, HPV-16 is worldwide the most prevalent type in cervical carcinomas. In neoplasias of other anogenital sites and the oropharynx, HPV-16 is detected in almost all the tumors attributable to HPV. We and others have shown that intra-typical nucleotide variability of HPV-16 impacts not only upon the risk of infection persistence and disease development in both men and women, but also upon the biological functions of viral E6 and E7 oncoproteins. These issues will be discussed in the seminar.


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